Monarch Research Organization
Monarch Research Organization was established in 9-10-2021, Florida, USA with a vision to help the electromagnetic wireless communication research for biomaterials, sponsoring human subject studies and develop technologies by bringing scientists across the globe. The organization is a brain child of Josh Nino and he sponsors multiple humanitarian activities of Monarch Research Organization, MRO. The organization, to be noted as MRO would carry out important platform development, act as a catalyst to relevant start ups (MRO would donate funding without any financial benefit on its part only to help the fundamental cause for which MRO has been developed) and helping the victims of electromagnetic radiations directly.
Electromagnetic communication is covering the entire planet. Wherever we are, WIFI covers us, radio waves and all forms of electromagnetic signals flood us much more than ever before. In this situation, we consider that bathing in the electromagnetic field 24x7x365 is safe, however, it is debated. United Nation has cleared adverse effects, based on preliminary studies. We here in MRO, working to fund the research on estimating, analyzing and helping the living life forms affected by electromagnetic radiation and communication. Direct help to the humans undergoing pains and suffering due to electromagnetic radiation is also considered for funding.